Leaving My Corporate Career Behind
Fifteen years. That’s how long I spent climbing the corporate marketing ladder, from entry-level roles to senior leadership. I worked hard, took on challenges, and poured everything - and then some - into my career. I was "successful" by all the traditional measures, but inside, I was running on fumes.
Leadership brought its own pressures. At the same time, I was noticing how many others around me seemed to be struggling too. It took a lot of soul-searching to admit that this goal I’d been aiming for didn’t feel right for me anymore. Something needed to change - but what? And how?
Facing The Doubts
The decision to step away from a well-established career wasn’t easy. I was in my late 30’s, I wondered if it was too late to start over. What if I failed? What if I ended up regretting it?
But eventually I realised that the bigger risk was staying stuck somewhere that wasn’t right for me anymore, rather than trying to make a change.
I knew I loved coaching and people development, having first trained as a coach in 2021. But back then I didn’t have enough of a mission or vision with coaching, so I never took the leap. It wasn’t until I experienced the pressure of leadership first-hand and the impact this can have on people’s health, that I started to uncover the area I’m now so passionate about - Health Coaching.
I read Psychologies magazine every month without fail, and happened to see an advert for the Health Coaches Academy. Something immediately clicked into place and I knew this was the path for me. But it was expensive, and a big time commitment - studying for a Level 5 Diploma over the course of a year, while in a demanding leadership position. But by this point I knew I was going to make a change sooner rather than later, so I asked myself ‘if not now, then when?'.
Letting Go
Letting go of my corporate identity was hard. For years, my career had been a core part of who I was. Walking away felt like leaving a part of myself behind.
But I knew I was changing as a person. In my 20’s and early 30’s I hadn’t really thought too much about my health. I had always felt naturally energised, driven and motivated. But as I reached my late 30’s and now in much more senior roles, I noticed my energy deteriorate and the signs of anxiety begin to emerge. This is when I started to take much more notice of my lifestyle and how simple factors could make me feel so much better or worse, and I began to make small changes over time.
A New Chapter
As this new version of me began to emerge I realised that I wasn’t leaving behind my corporate life, this would always be part of who I am. And actually I couldn’t do the job I do now if I hadn’t had that experience or didn’t deeply understand that world.
As I immersed myself in training, I realised how much my corporate experience was shaping the way I approached Health Coaching. I knew intimately the challenges my people were facing because I’d been there. I got it.
Far from starting over, I’d brought my past into my present in the most valuable way. My understanding of workplace dynamics, relationships and leadership stressors gave me unique insight into helping others.
This is such a key message for anyone considering a career change - you’re never starting from scratch. Your life and work experience to this point is unique and valuable.
The Power of Connection
The biggest thing that helped my career change is connection. I met Harry, who founded the company I now work for, through a close work connection Tamsyn (a HR Director at a previous company, who is now a good friend!). When I first met Harry, there wasn’t a specific job available, but we met regularly and connected over a shared mission. We were so aligned in our vision that he eventually offered me a role.
But back then the business was still in its early stages, and hiring me was a huge decision, I knew that I had to quickly build trust, show the difference I could make and deeply understand Harry’s vision for the business and his personal drivers.
If I hadn’t developed such a strong connection with Tamsyn, then she would never have given Harry such a glowing reference for me, and if I hadn’t quickly built trust with Harry, his decision to offer me a role would have been impossible.
It’s About Actions, Not Clarity
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you don’t need a detailed plan and absolute clarity to make a change. This is what keeps a lot of people stuck. You just need a direction and the courage to take one step at a time. Soak up new knowledge, meet new people and let your path evolve as you go. You’ll be surprised at the clarity this brings.
Keeping Old Habits in Check
Even now, in a career I adore, I have to stay aware of slipping back into old habits. Overworking, overcommitting, and pushing myself to the brink - these patterns don’t disappear just because I’ve changed career. Training as a Health Coach was hugely beneficial as I started to understand the deeper drivers behind my behaviour. I’ve learned to consciously prioritise my health and wellbeing, and being open about this to those around me. They know my non-negotiables, and I stick to them.
I’m also far more aware that if I look after myself, I can bring the energy, clarity of thought and focus to my new career - so we all win.
Questions to Help You Gain Clarity
If you’re considering a career change, here are some questions to reflect on:
What values are most important to you in your work?
What energises you, and what drains you in your current role?
What fears or doubts are holding you back, and how might you challenge them?
How can you bring your past experiences into your future career?
What’s one small step you could take today to explore a new direction?
Who in your network could you reach out to for support?
Changing careers at 40 isn’t about starting over. It’s about building on what you already have and trusting that the next chapter will be worth it. It’s not easy, but it’s absolutely possible.
Are you ready to take the first step?