Becoming Unlost & Reconnecting With Ourselves
I believe we hold all the answers we need inside of ourselves. In fact, this is the principle that sits right at the very heart of coaching philosophy.
But how often do we slow down and intentionally listen to what we really need? Our bodies and minds are constantly giving us signals, but when we rush through life at 120mph we tune out those signals.
Instead, we live our lives on autopilot. This is a dangerous way to live because when we’re in this state we’re governed by our subconscious mind, which is full of stories and beliefs built up over years and years. Most of the time, these are negative, destructive and play on a loop in our minds if left unchecked.
Is it any wonder so many of us get to the point of feeling lost?
But this feeling is simply a signal that we’ve lost touch with ourselves inside. We’re always in there, but sometimes we have let too much other stuff get in the way.
To regain clarity, we need to reconnect with ourselves. We need to peel back the layers of conditioning - those beliefs and expectations placed on us by others and by society. From when we're young, we're told what we should be, what we should want and what we should do. These messages can become so ingrained that we forget who we are underneath it all.
To add to this, we go through different phases in life. We grow, evolve and change. And sometimes, that means recognising that and letting go of what once served us. Even if something worked well for us in the past, it doesn’t always have a place in our future. Holding onto it out of habit or obligation only blocks our ability to grow into the person we are meant to become.
We need to consciously give ourselves moments to slow down, to notice when we’ve evolved as a person. We need space to breathe, to listen to reflect. We need time to reconnect with the person inside who is still there, beneath all the noise.
It’s not easy. In a world that values speed and productivity, slowing down feels almost counterintuitive. But it’s necessary. When we take the time to pause, to be still, to listen, we start to hear the messages our body and mind have been trying to send us all along.
And once we reconnect, we’ll find that we already have the answers. They’ve always been inside us. We just needed the time and space to listen.