Lessons From Early Leadership

When I first became a senior leader, I told myself all sorts of untrue but very believable stories – that I had to prove myself immediately, always show I was in control, and that I had to achieve in the same way other (far more experienced) leaders did. Over time and with the benefit of hindsight, I have learnt that leadership is a journey that will challenge and push you, test your resilience but ultimately help you grow and develop into a stronger and more self-aware version of yourself.

Being the leader your team needs

One of the most difficult things I faced as an early leader was taking on the emotional weight of my team. I felt a high responsibility for their wellbeing, particularly during challenging times. I learned that emotional boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy mindset as a leader. You can be empathetic and supportive, but you must protect your own energy and emotional wellbeing. Only then can you show up as the grounded leader your team needs.

Part of achieving this emotional balance is to let go of people pleasing tendencies. Good leaders make intentional choices as to where to focus. We’re often pulled in every direction, and it can sometimes feel as though every single thing that comes your way is urgent. I learnt that if you constantly say “yes” then more keeps coming your (and therefore your teams) way. If I could go back to my previous self, I’d say to treat leadership is a marathon, not a sprint. Not every task requires immediate action, and it’s essential to focus on what truly makes a difference. Learning to say “no” or “not right now” is a powerful skill that will help keep workloads, and stress levels, manageable.

Finding your allies

One of the best things I did for my own wellbeing when I first stepped into a leadership position was to find trusted leadership allies. These are people who have walked the path longer than you. They’re people you trust, respect and can be open with. You only really need one or two of them. They’re invaluable sources of advice, wisdom and support.

I’ve been fortunate to have mentor-like relationships with leaders who guided me through tough moments, helped me see things from a different perspective, and backed me up when I needed it most. I’ve found that seasoned leaders have a much more pragmatic approach during challenging times. When I was feeling stressed or anxious about something, their calm perspective would immediately help me see a way through. Never be afraid to reach out and ask for help, most people remember what it was like to be a new leader and love to support others on that journey.

Equally on the people side, having a strong number two in your team is invaluable. Someone experienced who you can trust to run independently with important projects or take the lead with the running of the team day-to-day. This person will be a game-changer for your mental head space, allowing you to delegate, and tackle high-priority focus areas. It’s one of the best investments you can make as a leader, and it also helps you grow your leadership capabilities by empowering others and stepping away from the doing.

Being you

Sometimes under the weight of pressure and responsibility it can be easy to lose sight of the person underneath it all. I’ve learnt that being a good leader means knowing what you stand for. If you’re clear on your values and the kind of leader you want to be, they become your guiding light in challenging times. Trust yourself and your principles, they’ll help you navigate the tough decisions. Your team will see through it if you’re not being authentic, and there’s nothing that destroys trust and team dynamics more than this. They don’t expect you to have super powers, be honest, show up authentically for them and they are more likely to do the same for you.

Staying human

When you’re leading a big team, remember that as humans, we are all wonderfully imperfect and complicated beings. We don’t switch off our emotions, personal lives and everything else going on when we begin work. With that comes shared life experiences, joy and sometimes sorrow. It’s easy to forget, but the key to managing effectively is remembering that you’re working with humans. Understand your team on a personal level and what drives them, aim to support them with their goals both inside and outside of work.

On the topic of being human, remember to treat yourself like one too. As much as we might feel like we can go and go and go, your body and mind really does keep the score. Nothing is worth your health, and if your health suffers your team and the business will also suffer. Working yourself into ground is counterintuitive - you think you’re making progress at the time, but somewhere along the like you will feel the impact. So make sure you schedule downtime and keep your wider life priorities front of mind. You won’t always feel like you’ve got the balance right, but it’s worth the effort so you don’t completely lose yourself to your work.

By setting boundaries, staying true to your values, building trusted relationships, and remembering to be human, you can navigate the complexities of leadership and keep yourself well at the same time.



Becoming Unlost & Reconnecting With Ourselves